Dalyellup Family Medical Centre aims for clinical and caring excellence. We provide comprehensive, general medical care within the framework of mutual respect and honesty. For more information see our Vision Statement .
We are located at Unit 11/ 135 Norton Prm, Dalyellup WA 6230, Australia and can be contacted on phone 9795 6422 or Fax 9795 6477.
Dalyellup Skin Care Clinic commenced in 2013 to assist Bunbury and South West residents with skin cancers, particularly with early diagnosis and treatment.
Dalyellup Family Medical Centre will be increasing the fees at the Practice from 1st October 2024.
This fee increase is necessary to ensure the Practice continues to provide a high standard of care and support for our patients. The Federal Government determines the rebate you will receive from Medicare and every attempt has been made to keep out of pocket payments as low as possible.
The cost of a standard appointment will now be $97-$99 with a rebate of $42.85. Other fees depend on the complexity and time taken for your consultation.
All patients except children under the age of 6 will be charged a private fee. This includes all Pension Card holders, Health Care Card holders and Commonwealth Senior Card holders.
Pension Card holders may receive a discounted fee of $78-$89 for a standard appointment with a rebate of $42.85.
Please discuss the likely cost of the service and payment options with reception when you make an appointment.
If you are in financial difficulty, please discuss this with your Doctor at the time of your consultation.
More information about the increase in fees can be found at the Practice and on our website under Services, then Practice Patient Services.
BetterConsult is here
We’re excited to announce that the doctors at our practice now use BetterConsult to help you get the most out of your appointment.
BetterConsult is a “smart” pre-consultation questionnaire that asks the questions your doctor usually asks about the reason for your visit. It then prepares a summary for your doctor.
What does this mean for you?
By knowing this information at the start of your appointment, your doctor can spend more of your time focussed on addressing your healthcare needs.
Filling out BetterConsult prior to your appointment also helps you think through what you would like to address with your doctor.
How does it work?
You will receive an SMS from our practice the day before your appointment (or immediately if your appointment is within 24 hours of booking) with a link to your pre-consultation questionnaire.
When you receive the SMS, simply
- Click the secure link in the SMS
- Complete the BetterConsult questionnaire
BetterConsult protects your medical information
With BetterConsult your medical information is private, confidential and totally secure, to meet and exceed Australian data privacy legislation
Where to find COVID-19 information 2025
The Department of Health and Ageing advise General Practices to let their patients know the best places to find advice and information about COVID-19.
Healthdirect is the best place to find out about symptoms, testing, recovery and long COVID.
Service Finder can help you find a COVID-19 vaccine provider in Australia and book an appointment. You can also filter by telehealth and accessibility needs.
Healthdirect’s Symptom Checker can be used by people with COVID-19 symptoms to determine if medical help is needed.
If you feel unwell or need COVID-19 advice for someone in your care, speak to a nurse by calling Healthdirect on 1800 022 222. It’s available 24/7.
If you develop symptoms such as severe shortness of breath or chest pain, call triple zero (000) straight away.
ATAGI have updated their advice on when people who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection should receive a subsequent COVID-19 vaccine dose.
It is now recommended that all people should wait for 3 months after confirmed SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) infection before they receive their next COVID-19 vaccine dose. The next scheduled dose should then be given as soon as possible after this period.
Waiting for a 3-month period after infection before COVID-19 vaccination is intended to optimise protection for that person. A longer gap between infection and vaccination is likely to lead to a better immune response and result in longer protection from reinfection.
This change in recommendation applies to all people who are recommended to receive COVID-19 vaccination (i.e., from 5 years and above), regardless of how many COVID-19 vaccine doses they have received. It does not apply to other vaccines (for example, influenza vaccinations) which can continue to be administered as usual.
ATAGI will continue to review the evidence on protection from vaccination and infection and may update advice if required, including if a new variant emerges or another circumstance arises to cause COVID-19 vaccination to become more urgent.
You can access more detailed information by clicking here.
COVID-19 vaccination recommends;
Primary course vaccination is recommended for all people aged 18 years or older, and children aged 6 months to less than 18 years with medical conditions that may increase their risk of severe disease or death from COVID-19.
- Adults aged ≥18 years without severe immunocompromise who have not previously received a COVID-19 vaccine are recommended a single primary dose.
- Adults aged ≥75 years are recommended further doses of COVID-19 vaccine every 6 months.
- Adults aged 65–74 years without severe immunocompromise are recommended further doses of COVID-19 vaccine every 12 months and can consider further doses every 6 months based on a risk–benefit
- Adults aged 18–64 years without severe immunocompromise can consider further doses every 12 months based on a risk–benefit assessment, such as the presence of other medical conditions that may increase the risk of severe COVID-19.
Most people require 1 dose for their primary course. People with severe immunocompromise are recommended 2 primary doses and can consider a 3rd. Further doses every 6 or 12 months are recommended, or can be considered, based on an individual’s age and presence of risk factors for severe disease.
Infants, children, and adolescents aged 6 months to <18 years with conditions other than severe immunocompromise that may increase the risk of severe COVID-19 and who have not previously received a dose of COVID-19 vaccine can consider a primary course based on a risk-benefit assessment.
Peadiatric Recommended Vaccination Schedule for COVID 19 is the following;
- Children and adolescents aged 5 to <18 years can receive a single primary dose.
- Infants and children aged 6 months to <5 years can receive 2 primary doses and can consider a 3rd based on a risk benefit assessment. All primary doses should be given at least 8 weeks apart.
Further doses are not recommended.
Paediatric vaccines are available at the state run COVID vaccination Centre at the Homemaker Centre. Bookings can be made online at VaccinateWA or by ringing 13COVID (1326843).
There is a COVID-19 vaccination information and consent form for parents and guardians of children aged 5-11 years on the government website:
Patients who are attending DFMC for a COVID-19 vaccination should take 2 Panadol (Paracetamol) tablets before coming for the vaccine and have another dose 4-6 hours after the vaccine. Note that if you already take Panadol Osteo, no further doses of Panadol will need to be taken.
There is a lot of information on the health department website regarding this immunisation program and who and when you are eligible. You can access this by clicking or tapping here.
From 31st October 2022, only children under 6 years of age will be bulk billed. Children 6 years and over will be charged a standard fee. If you are in financial hardship, you can discuss this with your Doctor when your child sees them.
Please contact reception on 9795 6422 if you have any questions.
NOTE THAT we no longer completely bulk bill the telehealth and telephone consults.
These will now incur a fee that is the same as our usual Practice fees and those patients who are charged can get the Medicare rebate as they would if they attended the clinic. We will continue to bulk bill pension card holders and children under 6yrs. Health care card holders will receive a discounted fee.
Please ask reception if not sure.
The purpose is to allow people to access essential health services in their home to reduce their risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
- Please call DFMC on 9795 6422 to book a telehealth or phone consultation if required.
- If you have a smartphone with email on it, we will send you a link for the video call. We can also make this video call on your tablet, laptop or computer.
- 5-10 minutes before your telehealth appointment open the link emailed to you.
- You will be asked to give your first name and then hit the ‘check in’ button.
- The GP will call you.
If you have respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat) please measure your temperature before the consultation if you have a thermometer.
We are an Accredited Practice and strive to offer a caring, team based and accessible medical service. If you would like information about billing arrangements, appointments, obtaining results of tests, referrals, telephoning your doctor or providing feedback you could click here to view our patient-information-sheet.
You can access a copy of the New Patient Details and Medical Information sheets by clicking or tapping here. New patient information forms.
The Practice Incentives Program (PIP) Quality Improvement booklet explains about the information Dalyellup Family Medical Centre collects (de-identified) and lets patients know they can opt out if they wish. You can access details of the program by clicking here. Practice Incentives Program
Dalyellup Skin Care Clinic commenced in 2013 to assist Bunbury and South West residents with skin cancers, particularly with early diagnosis and treatment.
Dalyellup Family Medical Centre achieved full accreditation for 3 years after an extensive on-site review on 2nd March 2022 by Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL). AGPAL is a leading independent accreditation provider approved by the industry to accredit general practices based on a set of nationally recognised standards (5th Edition) developed by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RACGP). If you would like to read more about accreditation you could click or tap here. 2022-2025 accreditation