Total Body Photography (TBP) is a tool that is used for the early detection of melanoma in patients that are classed high risk.
It involves the taking of a standard set of photographs of most parts of the body, using a high resolution camera, which then enables the doctor or patient to identify early changes in existing moles or the identification of new moles.
The procedure takes around 30 minutes to complete. Like a skin examination for skin cancer, it is conducted with the patient wearing underwear. Chaperones are welcome.
The patient is provided with a CD of the images and a computer copy is stored securely at the practice. The patient can then monitor particular moles that may be suspicious of developing into melanomas or identify new moles.
TBP would be of assistance to high risk patients who have a family history or a personal history of melanoma, have a large number of moles or for someone who is just anxious about their moles. It can also reduce the unnecessary removal of harmless moles.
Dalyellup Skin Care Clinic can undertake TBP. If you would like to explore this alternative, further contact the practice. Unfortunately Medicare does not reimburse TBP fees.