
Skin Cancer Information

Knowing the symptoms of, and signs for,  skin cancer is important for early diagnosis and treatment, and can be life saving.

Click here to view an educational sheet. Clues to skin cancer educational sheet

If you would like to watch  an educational video on what changes to look out for in sun damaged skin.

Here’s is a very moving story of the effects that skin cancer can have on family members.

Chronic Disease Information

The practice has educational packs with useful resources to understand Asthma and Diabetes.  Please ask a Nurse or Doctor about this at the practice.

Practice Nurse Lucy provide educational sessions on Asthma for patients and carers.

Diabetes Educator Nicole consults at the practice monthly.

The PERMA model discusses five components to well-being as humans, and is explained below.

PERMA model



Consumer Health Publications

An excellent list of fact sheets for parents and health professionals on kids related health issues are available from the WA health department by clicking here