Pregnancy care at Dalyellup Family Medical Centre is provided by several of our doctors. Dr. Andrew Kirke provides complete care including delivery for low risk pregnancies. Services provided include pre-pregnancy counselling, complete antenatal and hospital care for birth and other pregnancy related reasons. Dr Kirke holds a Diploma in Obstetrics from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Dr Kirke has admitting rights to the Maternity Units at both Bunbury Regional Hospital and St John of Gods Hospital. At the practice Registered Nurse Rhona is a qualified midwife and she assesses patients at their first visit at DFMC.
For complicated pregnancies and births, timely referral to specialist services will be made. Access to specialist care at both hospitals for emergencies is available 24 hours a day all year round. Dalyellup Family Medical Centre has good links with specialist services if they are required.
Increasing opportunities for midwife-based care throughout pregnancy is occurring in Bunbury. Dr Kirke is one several doctors supporting the Midwife Group Practice based at Bunbury Regional Hospital.